More Airstream Adventures

More Airstream Adventures

After our first weekend in Ollie the Airstream, we took it on some additional adventures around Texas. Next we went to the Lake Bastrop South Shore park. We had a nice spot there, but it had rained the night before, so we also had some dirty paws. We did some hikes while we were there. In fact, we did one where I messed up the distance estimate and instead of 3.5 miles, it was 5.5 miles. Kat was a trooper and stuck with it the whole way.

We hadn’t tried out the DVD player yet, so one night, David picked up a movie from Red Box. I don’t remember what movie he got because Gus, Milton, and I fell asleep during it.

Milton has a hard time when we are in the Airstream because he doesn’t have anywhere to burn off steam. That usually means he spends time on the bed pestering Gus nonstop.

Milton saw some deer on one of our morning walks. It was his first encounter with deer and I think he was more afraid of them than they were of him!

Our next trip was to Matagorda Bay on the coast. It was Gus and Milton’s first trip to the beach. We knew Kat would love the beach and water because she loves to swim, but we weren’t sure what Gus and Milton would think. Gus didn’t mind the water, but eventually he discovered that there are dead fish parts that wash up on the beach and he was much more interested in that. Milton was skittish of the water at first, but eventually he loved it! He jumped into the waves and ran and ran through the water.

All that running, jumping, and swimming must have worn him out, because this is a picture of Milton on the way home.

Our last weekend trip was to The Range Vintage Trailer Resort outside of Dallas. It was such a nice place! They have a chef there who serves breakfast and dinner on Saturdays and grab and go food on Fridays. We picked up a charcuterie box. Gus did his best to try to get some.

Even Kat was trying to get in on the action.

Milton just does his own thing in the trailer, food or no food. He bounces off the walls.

We also ate at the barn on Saturday, both for breakfast and dinner. For breakfast, we took all three pups with us. For dinner, we left Kat and Gus alone in the Airstream and just took Milton with us. He can’t be trusted in the Airstream while Kat and Gus are more than happy just to chill out in there.

Gus getting really good at just hanging out on the tie-out line. Kat and Milton? Let’s not even talk about them.

Milton thinks this behavior is acceptable tie-out shenanigans!

I think we’ve gotten into a groove with the Airstream camping. We are getting faster at setting up and tearing down camp and the dogs have figured out their spots in the trailer. It’s a little tight for three dogs, but we are making it work. I think it will be easier when Milton doesn’t have so much puppy energy.

Katherine Olivia (October 14, 2006 - September 24, 2022)

Katherine Olivia (October 14, 2006 - September 24, 2022)

Gus’s Donut Adventure

Gus’s Donut Adventure