A belated Christmas post

We haven't posted about our Christmas yet, so we'll do so now.  We went to Missouri to spend Christmas with Mom's side of the family.  It was pretty fun since we got to hang out with our cousin, Special K.

Special K thinks it's pretty fun to play with us. Her favorite games to play with us are ball or the go-to-sleep game.  The go-to-sleep game consists of her saying, "Kat! Go in."  Then I go in my crate and she shuts and latches the door behind me. Then Special K says, "Go night, night," and she tells everyone to be quiet because I am sleeping.  After a few seconds she tells me to wake up and lets me out of the crate.  Then we repeat as many times as I will cooperate.  Steve wasn't very interested in the go-to-sleep game, but I liked it.

Our grandma and grandpa gave Special K a trampoline for Christmas.  Since it was so cold, Grandpa put it in the garage.  I tried it out and it was pretty fun.

Wilbur had a good Christmas too. He let Special K carry him around without scratching her, which shocked everyone. He also played and played with our grandparents' cat, Lexi.  They wore each other out.


We hope you all had a good holiday too!


Friday Fast One

Friday Fast One