We moved!

We've been very busy studying for the bar exam, which will happen at the end of the month. However, before we got buried in Texas Criminal Procedure, among other things, we moved to Maryland where Dad and Wilbur have lived while we have been in law school. I worked really hard getting all of the boxes packed. I bet you wonder how a husky like me managed to neatly stack all of these boxes.


While Mom and Dad loaded the truck, they made Kat and me stay in the crate. It was terrible. I cried the entire time, but because the front door was left open, Mom said I had to deal with the crate. I don't know why she didn't think I could help load!


Once everything was loaded, Kat thought the empty apartment would make for a good WWS (World Wide Siberians) wrestling arena. 


The truck was pretty full. Only about 1/3 was our stuff. LOL! 


Mom packed all of the dog beds in the back of the 4Runner, so we had a really cushy ride to Maryland! 


The move was pretty good practice since in a few months we will do it all over again, but this time, instead of moving three hours to Maryland, we will move 24 hours to Texas!




Just Beachy

Home Invasion!