Trader Joe's Cookie Tasting, Take 2

Today Mom went to Trader Joe's and picked up two new flavors of treats for us.

First we got these assorted flavor ones.  


Check out the shapes.


These are pretty tasty treats, however Mom thinks they are way too big.  The squirrel cookie in the picture above was about the size of Mom's palm.  We like the creativity with the cookie shapes, but we have to watch our figures and think it would be better if they were smaller.  Also, Mom says these are the only type of kitties we can eat.

Next we picked up these Gingerbread cookies, recommended by the OP Pack.


They come in cute gingerbread men shapes.  Mom says to be careful because she also bought a box of gingerbread cookies for herself and they came in the same size box and are the same shape.  The only difference is that the human ones have white chocolate fudge on the bottoms.  Otherwise Mom could accidentally eat a dog cookie!


We thought they were also pretty tasty.  So tasty that we were blurry in our pictures!



There are still a few more flavors of Trader Joe's cookies that we haven't tried, so stay tuned.  We still didn't find the pumpkin ones that the OP Pack recommended.  They must already be gone for the year, so that will give us something to look forward to next year!


Merry Christmas!

Christmas Decorating!