Interview with Mom

A while back several bloggers were interviewing their parents. We never participated in that, but we are going to now. This interview is with our mom. Hopefully it will answer any questions you’ve been wondering about her.

Kat: How are you fairing thus far? We just have three hours to go!

Steve: Can I have a treat?

Valerie (aka Mom): Oh, I’m doing okay as long as I don’t sit down. Steve, I don’t think you need a treat. It’s almost your breakfast time.

Steve: Oh, goodie!

Kat: So during the Blogathon, we have revealed to our readers the fact that you had some other dogs before us. Do you feel like you were adequately prepared?

Valerie (aka Mom): Not really. Those dogs were outside dogs and so I didn’t know the first thing about house training a puppy. I thought I was going to go crazy when I had to get up with you several times every night for weeks on end.

Steve: I think that was only Kat who needed out. Not me.

Valerie (aka Mom): I think it was both of you.

Kat: So what do you do all day when you leave us?

Steve: Yeah, I want to know that too. I don’t appreciate being deserted.

Valerie (aka Mom): I go to work.

Kat: Yeah, but what do you do?

Steve: Great Office Space quote, Kat!

Valerie (aka Mom): I’m an engineer.

Steve: You drive trains? Why didn’t I know that?

Valerie (aka Mom): No, I don’t drive trains. I design and analyze stuff.

Kat: Like what?

Valerie (aka Mom): Airplanes.

Steve: Oh. I’m not sure if that’s as cool as being a train driver.

Kat: Why did you move to Texas?

Valerie (aka Mom): Because that’s where I got a job after college.

Steve: Yeah, but couldn’t you have gotten a job in Siberia? Or at least somewhere where it snows?

Valerie (aka Mom): I don’t think I could have gotten a job in Siberia.

Kat: Like you can never get a job in Siberia?

Valerie (aka Mom): Probably not. But maybe we can move somewhere cooler eventually.

Steve: Tomorrow?

Valerie (aka Mom): No, not tomorrow. Tomorrow I’m going to sleep. Or today. I’m not sure what day it is.

Kat: We better end this interview then. We’re not going to get anything good out of you.

Valerie (aka Mom): Good idea.

Steve: Breakfast time?

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