Grand Finale Drawing

We still had some more prizes to give away, so we went crazy and held a bunch of drawings at once. Here are the winners for another coaster, ornament, and T-shirt. We had a hard time getting excited for this drawing since we are so tired.

After that drawing, we drew for the magnets. We had 10 magnets to give away so we thought that would be kind of boring on the movie, so we didn’t video it. Plus as soon as the other drawing was over, Mom ran into her bedroom to put on her pajamas. She won’t let us video her like that. So here’s a list of the magnet winners. Winners, please email us your mailing addresses. We’re listing the names you used in your profile on the Blogathon website. Thanks!! (One more post to go!)

Tasha & Eva

Five Happy Hounds


The Dachsies






Margaret D.

And we're done!

Cleaning? Is she crazy?